Saturday, March 7, 2009

I want to help, but what can I do?

I really do! I want to help my fellow Americans. Everyone is struggling. I will probably have to go to the food bank on monday, as our income tax is all gone, and my foodstamps still haven't been recertified. And here we are, right back in the same place we were a month ago. But I thank God everyday for our lives! our children! and for everything. Its been since August that my husband and I have both been unemployed. And we are still floating! Don't ask me how, I couldn't tell you, except the Lord does supply us with everything we need, and then some. Ok, I am totally way off subject.

Ok, when I go to the food bank, I am going to ask to volunteer. I have thought about but never done it. I think I would probably really enjoy myself, and I would feel like I'm giving something back. I saw a news story the other day, about people volunteering, to pad their resume. Huh? How about to be human? There I go being judgemental. Sorry, but I'm a sinner like the rest.

This is my challenge to everyone(if anyone) who reads this. Sometime soon, help someone that you don't know. At the grociery store, that elderly woman in front of you that is going so slow, don't be a jerk to her. That person that cuts you off in traffic, pray for'm instead of cussin them. I am trying to do these things myself. And I hope that it will make me a better person. And perhaps I will change someones life for the better, if even for just a minute. I will try to post my experiences here. God Bless you all and God Bless America, we need it!

P.S. if you need assistance you can find links to help and assistance in the USA at my website InXpensive Living or my Aidpage blog

1 comment:

  1. I like this topic. So many people need help but the problem seem overwhelming. If we can just help one person at a time what a wonderful world this would be.
