Sunday, December 28, 2008

Why Are you Struggling?

Everyone knows or should that Americans of all walks of life are struggling . This Blog is a great place to share your story. and discuss ways to get help. There are links here to services, help sites, and other people to talk to.
It started with the Gas Prices, for my husband and I. It made everything else (grocieries, household items, etc..) go up in price. My husband was the only one working at the time, because I have severe back problems and Otto sclerosis(I was losing my hearing). We applied for food stamps and that helped quite a bit. Now , in Texas, the price of gas has fell to under $2 a gallon, but everything else stayed high priced. Why is that?
A month after we got the stamps, my husbands health took a turn for the worst. He has high blood pressure for years, and abused his body for years. He was hospitalized with Congestive Heart Failure, lost his job, because they were jerks! became depressed and almost died several times. All the while here I am with 3 kids trying to pay the bills, feed the kids, and unable to work. It has been really hard. Then last month, the car died! I mean died, dead, capput! We are still both unemployed, and if not for the Grace of God, would be homeless. Things are looking up, at least in my mind. I hope to be employed by February, as I am getting help with my ears (but not my back). I hope that God himself takes over, straightens up my life, and makes Barak Obama save the American Economy, and my family along with it. It would be nice to have some health insurance too!

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